Monday, December 20, 2010

Very Impressed!

First off, I have a confession to make. I signed up to become a demonstrator before I had even done any Makia Creation crafts. I just loved the idea of getting together as friends and family to work on a craft each month. Between work, school and being a mother, I definitely knew that I could use the timeout for a Girl's Night Out. Because of the Christmas holiday though, I wasn't able to get a group together for the cute crafts that Makia Creations offered for December, but I put in an order for myself, my sisters, and a friend. I was amazed at the turn around time for the crafts to arrive and was surprised to see a bag of suckers in there...(everyone loves surprises!!) I finally got the time to sit down and work on the crafts that I had ordered for myself and was surprised at how easy it was to do the craft since everything that I needed was included in the craft kit. I was so excited to finish them because they are so cute! I never thought that anything that I could make would look so good. I just know that as I pack away the cute Christmas crafts I made this year, I will be so excited to get back into the Christmas stuff to pull them out again next year.

I am so excited to be a demonstrator for Makia Creations, and hope to be able to help others to find their inner crafter. I look forward to sitting down with friends and family to visit while having a productive girl's night out.

If anyone is interested in hosting a craft party, please know that this isn't a direct selling company. The only thing that you need to buy is the kit for the craft that you want, and you won't be hit up to buy anything else. So let's gather up friends and family and get crafty in 2011!

Happy Holidays!!

Breanna Simeona

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